How to Process Offline Transactions with Payanywhere


Payanywhere is an easy, affordable, and smart payment solution, whether your business is on-the-go or brick-and-mortar. Payanywhere includes payment processing, business management software, and options for paperless transactions that offer email and SMS text receipts for customers.

It also offers a feature to help you process offline transactions when Internet service is out of reach.

Processing offline transactions

Offline transactions with Payanywhere allow you to continue accepting payments when you're somewhere with an unreliable internet connection. Thanks to this Payanywhere feature, you don't have to worry about losing the transaction.

Once you've reestablished an internet connection, Payanywhere will prompt you to process your saved transactions. To enable offline transactions, simply click on “Menu”, “Settings”, “Offline Transactions.”

Keep in mind that by enabling this feature, you are responsible for any declined transactions or chargebacks.

How offline transactions work

If your internet connection is weak or offline, you'll be asked if you want to process the payment as an offline transaction. If yes, you'll need to allow your customer to choose their receipt preference. If they select email or SMS, the receipt will send once an internet connection has been re-established.

Offline transactions are saved under “Menu”, “Offline Transactions.” When your internet connection is back up and running, Payanywhere will notify you of any pending transactions. You can then choose to process these individually or all at once.

So, the next time your Internet connection is spotty or lost, rest assured that you can still process online transactions.

Sekure's ETA CPP Certified Payment Experts are experts on the Payanywhere platform. If you have any questions - big or small - we're here to help

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